Yannathan Public Hall

Yannathan Hall World War 1 Honour Board


Yannathan / 1914-1918 Roll of Honor / “They heard the Call.”

Harold Gardiner / *Wm. Dunbar Watson / Mark Ridgway / Gordon Burton / *Alexander Denney / George Robertson / Hy. Thompson / Alexr. O’Rourke / Powley Denney / *Thos. Kelly / Wm. Kelly / Len Greaves / John Mann / Jos. Hodgson / Gordon Greaves / HC Smethurst / AA Patullo / James Cozens / George Pritchard / Robt. Watson / Jas. Monoghan

Wm. Alex. Parker / James Payne / SJ Smethurst / Wm. Addison / Fredk. Lemming / Norman Mc.Donald / *Neil Mc.Donald / Chas. Head / Alfd. Head / *Clarence Whitehead / *Lachlan Mc.Donald / Hector Mc.Donald / Fredk. Wright / Percy Cadd / Balf Gardiner / Gordon Esler / Louis Carson / Cecil Sly / Geo. Hockley / Ed. Gardiner / Ed. Mc.Nalty

*Against Fallen

Yannathan State School No 2422 World War 1 Honour Board


Pro Patria / Yannathan School No 2422

Boxshall AV / Bateson AE / Carson L / Casey GH / Casey JA / Casey V / Coates BW / Coates L / Cozens J / Donaldson NS / Dunn EA / Gardiner B / MMW Harker GE / Harker RH / Hatty DS / Bateson GE / Casey AW /

Hatty AT / Henderson S / Izzard HV / Izzard R / Jones J / Josephs J / Leeson AE / Leeson CA / Lineham WJ / McDonald HR / McGhee DM / McGhee G / McMillan AW / MMW Nelson WH / O’Donnell JA / FO’Donnell MA /

Payne J / Priestley A / Priestley A / Reitschel A / Reitschel P / Ridgway M / Ridgway N / Rogers ECP / Scharfe RA / FScharfe A / Smethurst H / Smethurst SJ / Smethurst JS / Stephens JB / Ware CW / Wright MG / Wright JW

Boy’s of the School Who answered the / call of King and Country / 1914-1918

Heath Hill State School No 3225 World War 1  Honour Board


SS Heath Hill No 3225 / Pro Patria / 1914-1918

Brunt A / Head CA / Henham F / Glover R / *Kelly T / Kelly W / Ketels / Thompson JH / Hatty G

Patullo A / Mc Grath M / O’Keefe M / Head C / O’Connor R / Priestley A / McGrath F / McGhee G / Henham F

*Denotes Fallen

Yannathan Hall World War 2 Roll of Honour


Yannathan Roll of Honour / 1939-1945 Pro Patria

*Sidney R Barry / *Ian D Cameron / * William Mc.L Chase

Allan C Anderson / Charles Andrews / Thomas W Bleazby / Charles H Carman / James T Doherty / Reginald Ferguson / Geoffrey J Fletcher / Leonard W Garnsey / Roderick W Grant / Leo Mc.K Greaves / Ewen J Hales / Thomas P Hales / Mavis Harker / Patricia M Hatty / George H Hawcroft / Edgar A Howlett / John Kelly / Henry Kelly / Nicholas Kelly / Clive J Leamon / Ronald F Lineham / Augustine Lonergan / Alphonsus Lonergan

*Arthur C Nicholls / *Jack R Richards / *Alec J Stewart

Edward J Loughnan / Anne A Loughnan / Ellen V Loughnan / Peter B Lyon / Duncan G Lyon / Robert J Manning / James R Milner / Laurence Milner / Joseph Milner / Ronald N Nicholson / Denis J O’Connor / Eric R Phillips / William CT Pyatt  / Norman Rohead / Eric M Sheedy / Harry W Somers / Allan Sutherland / Robert L Thwaites / William Thwaites / Edward W Tolley / Hubert V Tolley / Leslie W Warren / George H Wates

*They made the Supreme Sacrifice

Yannathan Primary School Centenary Plaques


1881 – 1981 / Yannathan Primary School No. 2422

This plaque / commemorates one hundred / years of education at / Yannathan Primary School / No 2422 / on 29th August 1981 / and was unveiled by / the Hon. AJ Hunt, MLC, Minister of Education

Yannathan Memories

A poem written by Bill Thwaites and displayed on the wall.


Dave Patullo set his peg and he had the first choice of the ground
The Gardiners, Smethursts, Heads and Wildes came and settled all around
McCraws with Old Billy, Peter and youngest he was squatter Frank
He’s the one that kept on putting a few quid in the bank.

Paddy Einsiedel, the Cameron boys, the Carsons and the Curries in the store
Harvey Games, Joe Leamon, Old Tammy, Jack Garnsey, and a good few more
Stewarts, the Thwaites and the Warrens, McLeods, Harold Lyones and old Bill Cadd
He and his good old missus drove past our gate in the buggy that he had.

Old Ben Lineham and his wife and she helped to play her part
Cutting scrub and milking, trying hard to get a start
The Hatty boys, the Leesons, Turners and the Bleazbys, now then Jack O’Connor
Paddy’s ‘Walzing Lily’ won the Newmarket, that day Jack Lonergan was onner.

Donaldsons, Len Greaves, Powel Denny, and the Harkers played the football game
They were Premiers 1906-7-8 and the other teams all knew their name
There was Burton, Currie, Pecky and Jim Kelly, his face like the rising sun
The factory couldn’t pay its way, and then for some all their jobs were done.

A T model Ford, the first car on the road, driven by Mr Harry Wildes
The horses in Lang all turned and they galloped home for miles
The dancing floor was packed, Clive Rogers and Teddy Rosie in the band
Singing on and playing “I’ve still got the four pence in me hand”
Or was it “Polly Green I am the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen”
The Bennets, the Curries and the belles from Glen Afton
The pride of the dancing scene.

In winter time it kept on raining, always up to the arse in mud
Life was hard and trials galore, some had learned to grow the spud
Others milked the cows and made the butter, all struggling for a shilling
The women played a noble part, all their heads were willing.

The pioneers have gone and many others have long since passed away
None will ever know what happened to the one they knew as Tim O’Shea
Billy Glover drove a team and he called his bullocks all by name
Now the motor car and aeroplane, and things will never be the same

Bill Thwaites, Ferngrove, Yannathan.

David Patullo’s Portrait


David Patullo 1816-1890

Address: 495 South Yannathan Road, Yannathan
Surveyed on: 14 May 2012
Surveyed by: Fay and Anne

Yannathan VIC 3981, Australia


  1. Ken Buckland says

    Hi, my father Harry Buckland worked in the Yannathan area in the 1930’s. He worked for R J Peck or something like that, In the poem it mentions Pecky If anyone knows anything about the Peck family or where the property was it would be greatly appreciated . Ken.

  2. Margaret boucher says

    I have footy photos of Patullos no David through but perhaps related. Can email if you give address


  3. Dianne McKenzie says

    My mum, Dorothy Knox, grew up at Heath Hill and was at Lang Lang School in the 1940’s. Her parents were Doris and Arthur Knox. She told me today that when she was about 10 years old she would be sent to the next farm to stay with a Mrs Tolley who’s husband had passed away and whose sons were serving in World War II. She said that when Mrs Tolley needed company to help her get through the day she would put out a flag so Doris would know to send a kid over. Mum would grab her pyjamas and walk the half mile to Mrs Tolley’s farm to have tea with her and sleep over. She said she loved going over there.

    • Hello Dianne,
      What a lovely story. I can see two of Mrs Tolley’s sons on the World War 2 honour board.
      regards, Lynne

      • Margaret boucher says

        It is so good to hear such a beautiful and caring story. My fathers family lived in Milner Road Heath Hill. My father and all his brothers are no longer with us. If your mother has any stories re the MIlners I would love to hear them.
        Good bad or otherwise. George and Elisabeth were the parents and Alf, Thomas[Jack], Eric James[Jim or Rocky]
        Laurie and Joe. I have just been looking at some Lang Lang football teams around that era, no doubt your Mum would probably know some of them. Cheers

  4. Robert Cusworth-Warner says

    My further reading last night I found Richard (Carpenter)and Matilda Games in the 2003 census and Games Road in the village area. Any info could be forwarded to twonames@dcsi.net.au paticularly if he may have been involved in building other Halls in our area.
    Cheers Rob

  5. Robert Cusworth-Warner says

    Would anyone in the area know anything of the Games family. I noticed in the Poem, a Harvey Games. Our Seaview Mechanics Institute was built by a R Games of Yannathan in 1905 and we think he may have built our house for Bernard Kennedy previously from Poowong. The house was completed a month previous to the opening of the Hall and we live next door to it. We are guessing that he was working on the house when the contract came up for the hall. Only guessing!!!! He certainly would not have travelled back to Yannathan too often at this time. I am President of the Mechanics. Hoping someone may have some information

  6. Dianne Feldtmann says

    Would you have any information/photos of William Dunbar WATSON. I am assisting in publishing a book preserving the history of those who did not return from WW1. William has a Dookie connection re enlistment and is on our cenotaph which we are basing our research on. I am a member of the Dookie RSL Sub branch and The Dookie and District Historical Society. Any photos, stories or contacts would be greatly appreciated as we pursue this task..
    Dianne Feldtmann

  7. That was quite the surprise!

    David Patullo is my great, great, great Grandfather and I had never seen a photograph of him before!
    Is it possible to purchase a print?

    Thanks Paul

  8. julie waterton says

    I was wondering if anyones family history had any memory of a Rachel Harriet Wright. She was my Great Grandmother and I have a listing on a census that she lived in this area 1919. She married a Samuel George Waterton. Her father was Johnathan Wright and her mother Lydia Wright. She had quite a large family with brothers who may have served in WW1 from here.

    thanks for you help Julie

  9. dale woodham says

    recently found Yannathan FC Premiers medal 1908 belonging to my great Uncle, Robert Harker. I am trying to find out what colour they wore, as we want to put it on some ribbon.

    Can any one help with some information.

  10. The transcription of “Yannathan Memories” is great; it’s a nice reminiscence of a bygone era. There are some names in Bill Thwaites poem that may be hard to find anywhere else.
    And also the photo of David Patullo is good – I’m still waiting for a photo of one of my ancestors to show up in one of these halls.

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