Wilson Botanic Park Berwick

Wilson Botanic Park opening plaque


Wilson Botanic Park
This park was officially opened by / His Excellency / The Honourable Bill Hayden, A.C., / Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia / on 26 July 1992.
Mayor – Cr. Kirsty J Lottkowitz / Chairperson, Advisory Committee – Mrs Janice Bateman, OAM, JP / President, Friends of Wilson Botanic Park – Mr Max Pawsey

Wilson Botanic Park Administration and Visitors Centre


Wilson Botanic Park / Administration and Visitors Centre
This building was officially opened by / His Worship the Mayor, / Cr John Pandazopoulos, JP / on the 21st July, 1991

Wilson Botanic Park


Wilson Botanic Park
In 1854 brothers William and James Wilson / purchased land in Berwick which included all of the / Wilson Botanic Park area. The quarry on this site was / first opened by William Wilson in 1859. William and / James divided their property at a later date.
In 1884 William Wilson Jnr. took over as quarry / master and managed the quarry until the end of the / first world war. When the stone in the original / quarry was exhausted quarrying proceeded into / the adjoining property.
In 1973 the grandson of James, George PH Wilson, CMG, JP, and his / wife gifted the northern section of approximately 17 hectares / (42 acres) to the people of Berwick, for a park in recognition of the / early pioneers, in particular James and his son George L Wilson.
In 1980 the City of Berwick Council resolved to reserve this site for / development as a botanic park, and a few years later in 1986, / purchased the southern section of the quarry from the / descendants of William Wilson.
This botanic park is in honour of the Wilson family and those who / worked in the quarry for the development of our district.

The Boardwalk


The Boardwalk
Generously funded by / The Andrews Foundation / and officially opened by / Cr Norma McCausland, JP / on the 6th June 1999

150th Anniversary of the Commencement of Quarrying


This plaque was unveiled on / Sunday 29th March 2009 / to mark the 150th anniversary / of the commencement of / quarrying activities at this site / by the Wilson family, / and the continued operation of the quarry to 1979 / by Daniel Brothers, Bayview Quarries, / Albion Reid and Boral Ltd.

Wilson Botanic Park Lakeside


Wilson Botanic Park Berwick / Lakeside / was officially opened by / Cr Sam Aziz / Mayor / City of Casey / 5 February 2016

The Children’s Playground plaque


This children’s playground / was generously donated by / Coles-Myer Ltd. / and officially opened by / Her Worship the Mayor / Cr Norma McCausland JP / on 15th June 1994

Hoo-Hoo Lookout Tower plaque


Hoo-Hoo Lookout Tower / opened on Australia Day, 26th January 1994 / by / The Hon. Geoffrey Coleman, / Minister for Natural Resources / A cooperative project by the City of Berwick, / The Berwick Woodworkers Club / and the Melbourne Hoo-Hoo Club. / A service club within / the forest products industry.

The Gamble Amphitheatre


The Gamble Amphitheatre
This Amphitheatre was constructed / with a bequest for the beautification of / Wilson Botanic Park from / Lindsay Charles Gamble / and his late wife, Alice Gamble.
It was opened by the mayor, / Cr Ron Mantel, / on the 3rd December 2000.

Still Moment plaque


Still Moment
This artwork, designed by Zabelski Han / Sculptors, is inspired by the natural environment, / the spread of feathers in a bird’s wing, / the movement of leaves in the wind and of people / as they journey through Wilson Botanic Park.
Still Moment was officially opened by / City of Casey Mayor Cr. Colin Butler / on 24 August 2007.

Directional Indicator plaque


Presented to / Wilson Botanic Park / by Soroptimist International / of Berwick / 6/10/96 / to celebrate / 75th Anniversary / 1921-1996

Entrance Gates plaque


These entrance gates / were generously donated / by / Mr and Mrs Charles Gamble / of Berwick / in September 1990.

Address: 668 Princes Highway, Berwick
Surveyed on: 7 Aug 2011 & 26 Jan 2021
Surveyed by: Steven & Lynne

668 Princes Hwy, Berwick VIC 3806, Australia

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