We all know that important discussions take place in the ‘Oval Office’ but some pretty important discussions have also taken place around an oval table in the last twelve months. We’ve had to put our thinking caps on and define exactly what a monument or memorial means to us in the context of this project. When we’d decided that, we had to figure out how we were going to capture this information and how we were going to present it. It was probably at this stage that we realised the enormity of the project actually surpassed anything we’d quietly imagined but you know the old saying, something about fools going where angels fear to tread?
We have a small group of volunteers, unfortunately, a couple of them are missing from the photo, and a vast territory to cover in our spare time? so it definitely won’t happen overnight – but it will happen. For our purposes, a monument or memorial is anything tangible or intangible that memorialises an individual or group of people. The only real criterion for inclusion is that we must be able to link it back to individual people, a surname with a first name or initial. For example, Buchanan Park, although known to commemorate the Buchanan family would not be included unless we can locate printed resources that specifically document which members of the family are being remembered.
A very Happy New Year and Good Luck to us all!
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