In 1854 William John Turner Clarke (1805-1874) purchased just over 3,000 acres in Berwick where the Old Cheese Factory is situated. The property was known as The Springs. The homestead (now the tea rooms) was constructed in 1865 from hand made bricks. The kitchen/wash house was also constructed at the time. The cheese factory was built with hand made bricks in 1874.
The property today is much smaller, about 30 acres, with almost a third being the gardens and lawns that provide a scenic backdrop to the three heritage buildings and the rest of the complex.
Further information on the Old Cheese Factory’s history may be found at Casey Cardinia – links to our past: http://caseycardinialinkstoourpast.blogspot.com/2013/04/old-cheese-factory-in-homestead-road.html
Old Cheese Factory opening ceremony plaque
This tree was planted by / the Mayoress of Berwick / Mrs Thelma Molyneux / on the occasion of / the opening of the / Old Cheese Factory / 20th October 1985
The Old Cheese Factory signage
The Old Cheese Factory
The Springfield Estate which includes the cheese factory, kitchen/wash house and / Homestead dates back to the 1860’s. These facilities were built by Murdoch / McDonald in 1865 to replace the original substandard buildings. Also as this time / Murdoch McDonald was employed to manage the property “The Springs” as the / farm was then known, comprised some 1,295 hectares is (5 square miles), and was / used for dairy cattle. Two hundred cows were milked by hand twice daily in a large milking shed / 46 metres long (150 feet), the foundations of which may still be seen today in fact, / 37 cows could be milked at the one time in this shed, each bail having its own / window. A portion of the milk produced on the property was used to manufacture / cheese and butter with 150 cheeses being turned out each week. The considerable / size of this operation required the employment of up to 100 farm hands.
In 1904 the property was sold in two sections. Later on, one section was again / divided into two parts with the old buildings remaining on an area of 264 hectares / (652 acres) which was renamed “Springfield”. In 1925 this property was / purchased by the State Government and was subdivided into smaller allotments for / the settlement of soldiers who fought in the First World War (1914 -1918). / Following its use for soldier settlement the property, now comprising 10.3 hectares / (25.4 acres) reverted to the government which reserved the land for public / purposes and appointed the City of Casey Manager.
In 1985 Council officially opened the Old Cheese Factory to the public as an / art/craft gallery and an historic property.
David Chandler Memorial Plaque
“I swear by my life and my love of it that / I will never live / for the sake of another man, / nor ask another man to live for mine.” / – Ayn Rand
In memory of David Chandler / 1938-2007
Marj Lean Memorial Plaque
Jacaranda Mimosifolia / planted in loving memory of / Marj Lean / 1939-2005
June Thompson Memorial Plaque and tree
Lisbon lemon tree / planted in loving memory of / June Thompson / 1925-2007
Brian McKeon Memorial Plaque and tree
Camellia sasaanqua / planted in memory of / Brian McKeon / for his enthusiasm and large / contribution to the / Old Cheese Factory property / 1916-1997
The Friends Peppercorn Tree
“The Friends Peppercorn Tree” / 1984-1997 / planted to commemorate / the services of the Friends / of the Old Cheese Factory / to the foundation of this / art/craft centre
Two Bridges acknowledgement plaque
The construction of the two accessible / bridges was made possible through funds / donated by the Berwick Opportunity Shop. / December 2008
The Old Church
The Old Church / was officially opened by / Cr R Bastin / Mayor of the City of Berwick / on 11th February 1990
This building was generously donated by the / parish of St. Luke’s Uniting Church, Waverley. / A grant from the Victorian Ministry for the Arts / assisted relocation to the Springfield Estate.
The Old Cheese Factory Playground opening ceremony plaque
The Old Cheese Factory / Playground
This playground was officially opened by / the Mayor, Cr Norma McCausland, JP / on the 24th October 1993.
This project was undertaken with design and / construction assistance from the Commonwealth / Department of Education, Employment and / Training’s Land Environment Action Program.
Kiwanis Club
A community service project by / The Kiwanis Club / of Dandenong
Kitchen/Wash house plaques
The kitchen wash-house / was officially re-opened by / Cr K Lottkowitz / Mayor of the City of Berwick / on 9th February 1992
During 1992 members of the Berwick & District Woodworkers Club Inc. / rebuilt the four sash windows to the original design assisted by a / grant from Council. Repairs to the brickwork and windowsills / completed the restoration of this historic building.
Art Gallery and Craft Centre opening ceremony plaque
The Cheese Factory / Art Gallery and Craft Centre / was officially opened by / Cr CA Molyneux / Mayor of the City of Berwick / on 20th October 1985
Spraycart plaque and signage
Spraycart plaque transcription
Lord Casey’s / Spraycart
This cart was kindly donated to the City of / Casey by John Byron. John Byron was a / Councillor for the former City of Berwick from / 1973-1979, 1892-1989 and Mayor 1983-1984
Spraycart signage transcription
This old spraycart was used / for all its working life / on the famous Berwick property / “Edrington” / owned by the Right Honourable / “Baron Casey” / of Berwick and the City of Westminster / KG, PC, GCMG, CH, DSO, MC, MA, KStJ / Died 17th June 1976 – aged 85 years
Surveyed on: 16 July 2010
Surveyed by: Shirley & Val
34 Homestead Road, Harkaway, Victoria, Australia
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