Oak Park is the feature park of the Eliston Estate comprising an exercise circuit, jnr skate park, tennis and basketball half courts, giant slide and playground, complete with a flying fox, swings, tunnels and slides.
Oak Park Information signage
A green space with plenty of history
The design of this park was inspired by the / site’s early pastoral beginnings where bountiful / celery crops were grown for over 40 years by / the Schreurs family. The green hued rubber / stripes you see in the play areas represent the / texture of celery crop plantations, while the / ‘ridge and furows’ of ploughed fields come / alive in the undulating forms of the rubber / mounding. The orchard is planted as a reminder of Casey’s proud market garden history.
1 Skate Park / 2 Fitness Station / 3 Hitup Wall / 4 Half Basketball Court / 5 Community Garden / 6 Orchard / 7 Open Lawn Area / 8 Picnic and BBQ Area / 9 Big Kids Playground / 10 Little Kids Playground
Photo captions 1: Fresh off the market, Dingley / Caption photo 2: Crops by the truckful / Caption photo 3: Getting down to planting, 1946 / Caption photo 4: A plentiful harvest of celery

Surveyed on: 22 May 2024
Surveyed by: Lynne
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