Narre Warren & District Family History Group at Cranbourne

The Narre Warren & District Family History Group operated a Research Room at the Narre Warren Library from the time it opened in 1992 to 16 August 2017. With the City of Casey’s help, we moved from Narre Warren to Cranbourne as the new library and council complex at Bunjil Place was nearing completion and with it, the demolition of the old Civic Centre and library at Fountain Gate.

Lorraine Taylor Research Room


Dedicated 11 May 2019
Eleven family historians attended a meeting in Lorraine’s home at Narre Warren on 10 May 1989 to explore the possibility of forming a family history group. It was at this meeting that she was elected Chairman of the newly formed Narre Warren Family History Group.
Lorraine held that role for the next six years. Her leadership, foresight, dedication and enthusiasm in those early years laid the foundation for a strong and successful group.
As President, Research Room Manager, Membership Officer, Treasurer, Librarian and Correspondence Secretary, Lorraine has serviced in one or more committee positions for 20 of our first 30 years.
However, her greatest gift to NW&DFHG has been her ability to support and encourage new members and committees to not just follow in her footsteps but to go beyond.

Narre Warren & District Family History Group – Life Members Honour Board


Narre Warren &  District Family History Group / Life Members

1992 Edna Taylor / 1992 Lorraine Taylor / 1993 Carol Llewelyn / 1994 Jenny Baker / 2002 Jenny Hayes / 2008 Val Holland / 2011 Lynne Bradley / 2011 Di Christensen / 2013 Eileen Durdin / 2015 Fay McCoubrie / 2017 Anne Blair / 2017 Rex McFarlane

Narre Warren & District Family History Group – Member of the Year 1999 – 2008 Honour Board


Narre Warren & District Family History Group Inc / Member of the Year

1999 Jenny Hayes / 2000 Jessie Etherington / 2001 Val Holland / 2002 Leanne Cairnduff / 2003 Diana Wheeler / 2004 Jenny Coates / 2005 Pam Lowther / 2006 Shirley Peterson / 2007 Wendy Goodwin / 2008 Jane Rivett-Carnac

Narre Warren & District Family History Group – Member of the Year 2009 – 2018 Honour Board


Narre Warren & District Family History Group Inc / Member of the Year

2009 Eileen Durdin / 2010 Valerie Bennett / 2011 Jenny Hayes / 2012 Wendy Eldridge / 2013 Fay McCoubrie / 2014 Eileen Durdin / 2015 Lynne Bradley / 2016 Anne Blair / 2017 Kerryn Maxwell / 2018 Jane Rivett-Carnac

Narre Warren & District Family History Group – Member of the Year 2019 – 2028 Honour Board


2019 Barbara Sharp

Shirley Award


2007 Shirley Peterson – Golden Tongs
2008 Lynne Bradley – Many Hats
2009 Rex McFarlane – Triton
2010 Shirley Peterson
2011 Paul & Claire Stevenson
2012 Anne Blair – Onions
2013 Val Bennett – Gold Fish Extraordinaire
2014 Bev Lambie – Bookworm
2015 Moreyn Dimsey
2016 Di Christensen – Press Pass
2017 Mary McGrath – Hostess with the Mostess
2018 John Uren – The Bar-B-King
2019 Barbara Sharp – New Kid on the Block

Shire of Berwick, City of Berwick and City of Casey Honour Boards

After the Civic Centre at Narre Warren was demolished in 2017 the honour boards from the Shire of Berwick, City of Berwick and City of Casey were placed into storage as there was nowhere at Bunjil Place for them to be displayed. After some discussion with the council, some of the honour boards were placed in the corridors to the family history group’s Research Room as a temporary access measure. They can be seen during our opening hours or by appointment.

1868-1973 / Shire of Berwick / Presidents

1868-69J Wilson1890-91WH Goff1912-13TJ Bourke1934-35DL Kinsella1956-57PB Ronald
1869-70T Henty1891-92D Bourke1913-14JR Henty1935-36SA Greaves1957-58RR Wakenshaw
1870-71T Henty1892-93J Sykes1914-15WJ Carney1936-37MJ Bourke1958-59JS Thewlis
1871-72T Henty1893-94J Gibb1915-16HS Barr1937-38DN McBride1959-60GF Rae
1872-73D Connor1894-95TJ Bourke1916-17W Close1938-39CW Wadsley1960-61RH Templeton
1873-74T Henty1895-96WH Goff1917-18GW Martin1939-40AG Robinson1961-62DC Cunningham
1874-75J Gibb1896-97JB Wilson1918-19M Cunningham1940-41JC Anderson1962-63EAC Russell/
TB Kilvington
1875-76J Gibb1897-98TJ Bourke1919-20WG A’Beckett1941-42DN McBRide1963-64AG Robinson
1876-77J Gibb1898-99J Ure1920-21C Pearson1942-43DL Kinsella1964-65RR Wakenshaw
1877-78TJ Bourke1899-00EAS Vieusseux1921-22H James1943-44JJ Gardiner1965-66PB Ronald
1878-79TJ Bourke1900-01D Bourke1922-23P Walsh1944-45JG Dore1966-67JG Hoskin
1879-80J Gibb1901-02H James1923-24W Wilson1945-46TC Whiteside1967-68AJ Funston
1880-81JS White1902-03JB Wilson1924-25JG Dore1946-47J Fallon1968-69H Marson
1881-82JS White1903-04TJ Bourke1925-26HW Knight1947-48CF Greaves1969-70S Pargeter
1882-83E Hanley1904-05TJ Bourke1926-27J Dowd1948-49MJ Bourke1970-71MK Anderson
1883-84E Hanley1905-06G Martin1927-28HS Barr1949-50TF Houlihan1971-72TB Kilvington
1884-85JS White1906-07DL McNamara1928-29JC Anderson1950-51R Ure1972-73GF Rae
1885-86JT Dobson1907-08JB Wilson1929-30DJD Bevan1951-52AG Robinson  
1886-87J Gibb1908-09WG Kraft1930-31M Cunningham1952-53JC Anderson  
1887-88TJ Bourke1909-10H James1931-32HS Barr1953-54DL Kinsella  
1888-89W Brisbane1910-11JH Smethurst1932-33JD Dore1954-55CA Harris  
1889-90J Ramage1911-12LD Beaumont1933-34DN McBride1955-56CF Greaves  

City of Berwick Mayors 1973-1995

1973-74BD Simon1984-85DR Miles
1974-75JG Thomas1985-86CA Molyneux 
1975-76RA Irwin1986-87FE Barron 
1976-77JG Thomas1987-88JR Hastie 
1977-78HB Hodson1988-89LE Kovacs 
1978-79KR Wishart1989-90RK Bastin 
1979-80WH Hudson1990-91J Pandazopoulous 
1980-81JG Bateman1991-92KL Lottkowitz 
1981-82THP Gyles1992-93TV Smith 
1982-83SH Pargeter1993-94NL McCausland 
1983-84JKP Byron1994-95THP Gyles 

Shire of Cranbourne 1868 / Shire Presidents

1860-63JS Adams1894-95J Lecky (Jnr)1918-20D MacGregor1947-48H Kirkham1972-73GF Knowles
63-64A Patterson95-96R Gibb20-21A Cameron48-49AEH Webb73-74GB Harris
64-65JS Adams96-97D Craig21-22W Brunt49To Oct W Taylor74-75CM Utber
65-71J Lecky (Snr)97-98JH Smethurst22-23ES Hill49-50LJ Cochrane75-76W Thwaites
71-72C Rossiter98To Nov JH Smethurst23-24F Wildes50-51G Ridgway76-77EJ Marriott
72-73A Patterson98-99R Grice24-25C Croskell51-52FD Spottiswood77-78DEB Callinan
73-74G Bird1899-1900PHV Le Roux25-27DS McCulloch52-53WL Mills78-79KH Kitchin
74-75G Poole1900-01J Lecky (Jnr)27-28GR Burhop53-54PB Fechner79-80WB Campbell
75-76A Cameron (Jnr)01-02WC Greaves (Snr)28-29WC Greaves54-55WC Greaves (Jnr)80-81G Wood
76-80J Lecky (Snr)02-03J Snipe29-30J Taylor55-56GF Knowles81-82KW Emmett
80-81Jun C Rossiter03-04WC McLennan30-31G Bowden56-57AEH Webb82-83WR Parkin
82G Howard04-05WH Gardiner31-32M Bennett57-58LJ Cochrane83-84A Wren
82-83C Rossiter05-07D McCulloch32-33A Stafford58-59W Thwaites84-85CM Utber
83-84A Cameron (Jnr)07-08WC Greaves (Snr)33-34SJ Fairbairn59-60GF Knowles85-86W Thwaites
84-85May P Fahey08-09F Brumby34-35HH Lloyd60-61RA Smith86-87J Sawyer
85J Lecky (Jnr)09-10F Callanan35-36LJ Cochrane61-62H Evans87-88A Wren
85-86G Poole10-11A Cameron36-37WC Greaves (Jnr)62-63W Mc Greaves88-89JA Elso
86-87W Duff11-12W Brunt37-40R Campbell63-64NL Brunt89-90R White
87-88F Poole12-13J Lloyd40-41R Longmuir64-65WJ Bosse90-91IC Greenaway
88-89J Lecky (Jnr)13-14WC Greaves (Snr)41-42M Bennett65-66PB Fechner91-92P Marshall
89-90G Poole14-15W Hardy42-44J Thwaites66-68W Thwaites92-93PJ Giles
90-91JA Gamble15-16June R Herkes44-45HH Lloyd68-69EJ Marriott93-94P Bottomley
91-93A Cameron16F Callanan45F Hodgson69-70JG Dore  
93-94J Snipe16-17JT O’Brien46LJ Cochrane71-71A McD Bethune  
  17-18JB Wilson46-47WC Greaves (Jnr)71-72KM Lawrence  

Shire of Cranbourne Mayors – 1994 P Bottomley

Presented by Cr Wm Thwaites in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Shire 1868-1968

Councillors of the City of Casey

1997-2000Sam Afra2010-2012Judy P Owen JP
1997-2000Janet H Halsall2011-2012Bob Halsall
1997-2003John R Hastie2012Rosalie Crestani
1997-2003Norma J McCausland2012-2016Rafal Kaplon
1997-2003Ron J Mantel2012-2016Mick Moreland
1997-2008Michael J Moreland2012Damien Rosario
1997-2005Brian H Oates2012-2016Gary Rowe
1997-2000Michael A Shepherdson2012Susan Serey
1997Wayne P Smith JP2012-2016Louise Berkelmans
2000-2005Ben J Clissold2016-2017Steve Beardon
2000-2008Rob S Wilson2016Rex Flannery
2000-2003Graham L Smith2016Timothy Jackson
2003-2005Roland P Abraham2016Milla Gilic
2003-2003Steven J Beardon2017Gary Rowe
2003-2012Kevin A Bradford  
2003-2008Colin A Butler  
2003-2005Angela E Dunleavy  
2003-2005Neil B Lucas PSM JP  
2003-2010Lorraine J Wreford  
2005-2008Steve J Beardon  
2005-2008Michael Farley  
2005-2008Janet H Halsall JP  
2005-2008Brian W Hetherton  
2005-2008Paul JV Richardson  
2008Geoffrey N Ablett  
2008Sam Aziz  
2008-2012Shar E Balmes  
2008-2010Karen Baxter  
2008-2012Simon E Curtis  
2008-2012Lynette M Keleher  
2008-2010Daniel Mulino  
2008Amanda J Stapledon  
2010-2012Beverley I Hastie  

Mayors of the City of Casey

1997-1998Wayne P Smith JP
1998-1999John R Hastie
1999-2000Janet H Halsall
2000-2001Ron J Mantel
2001-2002Michael J Moreland
2002-2003Brian H Oates
2004Rob S Wilson
2004-2005Neil B Lucas PSM JP
2005-2006Kevin A Bradford
2006-2007Colin A Butler
2007-2008Janet H Halsall JP
2008-2009Geoffrey N Ablett
2009-2010Lorraine J Wreford
2010-2011Shar E Balmes
2011-2012Sam Aziz
2012-2013Amanda Stapledon
2013-2014Geoff Ablett
2014-2015Mick Moreland
2015-2016Sam Aziz
2016-2017Sam Aziz

City of Casey / Australia Day Awards

YearCitizenYoung CitizenSenior Citizen
1995Marlene HobbsDale Ireland 
1996Gwynith AllanLaura DiPietro 
1997Marguerite Allan  
1998Murray MacGregorDaniel Malter 
1999Alma YeamanRay Prime Lisa McIntosh 
2000Warren CalderDaniel Willingham 
2001Ian ChisholmKyra Seddon 
2002Ray MartinSarah Meredith 
2003Tony O’HaraRyan GoldieDawn Dakin
2004Sandra RoachKevin LayJoan Graham
2005Eric WieckmannMichelle NiazmandPatricia Whaley
2006Robyn GarbuttShannon BarnesBeryl Maddern
2007Margaret FairhurstNicholas BellTom Hartley
2008Nazifa NaderAsh Kerr-FirebraceDerry Francis
2009Roman NowakDanielle Di CarloSue Hughes
2010Judy Owen JPBeth CooperJudy Symons
2011Roger LordRomy MadeleyJohn Doutch
2012Therese HowellThomas NiazmandBette Clydesdale
2013Anne AikinSarah DunstanJim Carson

City of Casey / Australia Day Awards

YearCitizenYoung CitizenSenior Citizen
2014Bert Rae OAM JPBen HillMargaret Sansom
2015Veronica HillBrooke McCowan-GrillsRita Hartney
2016Cathy WieckmannOliver ThomsonRick Beeby
2017Anne McGillAlyssa WestonEdward Clay

Mayors of the City of Berwick

1973-74Barry D Simon
1974-75John G Thomas
1975-76Ronald A Irwin
1976-77John G Thomas
1977-78Hugh B Hodson
1978-79Keith R Wishart
1979-80William H Hudson
1980-81Janice G Bateman
1981-82Thomas HP Gyles
1982-83Sydney H Pargeter
1983-84John KP Byron
1984-85Douglas R Miles
1985-86Cyril A Molyneux
1986-87F (Eddie) Barron
1987-88John R Hastie
1988-89Lorraine E Kovacs
1989-90Raymond K Bastin
1990-91John Pandazopoulos
1991-92Kirstin J Lottkowitz
1992-93Trevor V Smith
1993-94Norma J MCCausland
1994-95Thomas HP Gyles

City of Berwick

YearCitizen of the YearYoung Citizen of the Year
1981Mrs Olive RaeMiss Julie Smith
1982Mrs Eileen BrooksBro Vincent Reiner
1983Mr Bill InnesMiss Lisa Seskis
1984Mr Charles GambleMiss Kerry Hill
1985Mrs Edith SmithMr Kevin Barrie
1986Mrs Ruby SempleMiss Jann Clarke
1987Mrs Maureen MilesMiss Angela Duker
1988Mrs Marie WomersleyMiss Amanda Watkinson
1989Mr Bert RaeMr Dominic Arcaro
1990Mrs Pamela DarlingMiss Mardi Lee Smyth
1991Mr Robert HowardMiss Jodie Keyzer
1992Mrs Jean Heriot  –
1993Mrs Lois WilliamsMr Brian Johnson
1994Mrs Mazz LafrankMiss Jacki Shottle

Donated by Bert & Gwenda Rae & family

Councillors of the City of Berwick

1973-74Barry D Simon
1973-82James R Alexander
1973-84, 1992-94Janice G Bateman
1973-79, 1982-89John KP Byron
1973-75J George Chudleigh
1973-81William H Hudson
1973-79, 1980-81Ronald A Irwin
1973-74David J Lee
1973-92Sydney H Pargeter
1973-74Joan E Phillips
1973-81John G Thomas
1973-89Keith R Wishart
1974-80John M Kirkham
1975-87, 1988-94Thomas HP Gyles
1979-81Noel H Gould
1979-82, 1982-83Robyn A Hryckow
1981-87FE (Eddie) Barron
1981-1984Margaret F Owens
1981-91Cyril A Molyneux
1981-82Neville LG Hamilton
Address: 1/65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne
Surveyed on: 3 February 2021
Surveyed by: Lynne

65 Berwick-Cranbourne Rd, Cranbourne East VIC 3977, Australia

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