Nar Nar Goon North Hall

photo of Nar Nar Goon North Hall

World War 1 Honour Board


The Great War / 1914 – Roll of Honor – 1919 / Past Pupils of State School No 2914 / North Nar Nar Goon

Cahir K / +Dore D /  Gaskett W / Gaskett A / Heffernan W / Keddie TL / Keddie BJ /  Moore W / O’Brien JA /   O’Brien JJ/ Olsen RH /  +Olsen CC / Rogers VA /  +Smith JF / Warren RJ

+Killed in action

World War 2 Honour Board


1939 – In Honor – 1945 / Presented by the residents of Nar Nar Goon North

Downes DW / Duff WM / *Gibson IH / Harrison E / Harrison SJ / Hone WE / Hone AG / Leslie J / Mason A / Marshall RJ / Rose G / Rupe AG / Rupe V / Rupe G / Smith SA / *Supple JJC / Swan AJ / Waddell AJ / Webster WR / Webster RM / Warner WA

Lest We Forget / *Supreme Sacrifice

Electricity turned on at North Nar Nar Goon

A frame on the wall of the hall holds a compilation of newspaper text and photos. Unfortunately there is no publication name or date and at the time we surveyed the hall, no one could tell us what publication the article came from or the date electricity was ‘turned on’ at the hall.


Electricity turned on at North Nar-Nar-Goon.

Left: In Front: Mr John Amey, Mr & Mrs RH Amey, (Nar-Nar-Goon North), Tony McLeish (Leongatha).

Back: Mr Bill Amey (Nar-Nar-Goon North), and Miss Margaret Secomb (Melb).

Mr WM Irvine (SEC consumers engineer), helps Mrs E Lawry, who has lived in the district for 70 years, to cut the ribbon and turn on the power. Others in the picture are Mr R Gibson (chairman of Electricity Group), Cr D Cunningham (Berwick Shire Pres), and Mr W Deering (MC).

Left: Nar-nar-goon North children. Front-row: Jeff and Deborah Vallender, Trevor and Keith Perkins, Albert Hennepe. Back: Peter and Gerrit Hennepe.

Below: Mesdames C Andrews, W Edwards, R Warren, G Andrews, J Clark and H Newton of the Electricity Group Committee.

Lynette Perkins, Cheryl and Robyn Warner (Nar-nar-goon North).

Below: Misses Dulcie Andrews, Joyce Blake, Joan Irwin, Dorothy Flagg and Ellen Flagg.

Ballerina of the ball, Miss Adele Maisey (Bunyip).

Messrs CHG Andrews (vp), R Gibson (pres) and H Meadows (sec) of Nar-nar-goon North Electricity Group.

Right: Electricity Group Committee members Messrs H Meadows (sec), L Warren, CHG Andrews (vp), J Bramich, ?  ?(name blocked by frame) and R Gibson (pres).

Messrs C Andrews (sec), L Warren (pres) and W Edwards (treas) of the Hall Committee.

Hall Committee members: Mr & Mrs J Bramich, Messrs H Newton and R Warren

Address: Corner Dore Road and Bessie Creek Road, Nar Nar Goon North
Surveyed on: 14 May 2012
Surveyed by: Anne & Fay

Nar Nar Goon North VIC 3812, Australia


  1. I will ask my mother, Phyllis Day nee Hudson to comment on her stay at Nar Nar Goon North this easter.
    She will be so pleased to learn of the interest shown on this forum.

  2. The NNG North PS was shifted to Pakenham Consolidated School after it closed. In 1997 most of the old schools that had been brought into Pakenham were put up for tender when the PCS shifted to its present site. We were fortunate to win the tender for the NNG North PS. The building is now used at our farm at Tynong North for education about the Australian environment including bushfoods. We have a number of old photos of the school and its students including one from 1928 when the building opened.

    • Penny Harris Jennings says

      Hi Anthony,

      i have a photo from Students at the Nar Nar Goon North PS No 2914 dated 2 December 1924.
      It has the school building in the background so is the opening 1928 correct?

    • I’d love to see some of the old photos of Pakenham Consolidated School! Maybe they would be posted on the casey cardinia heritage facebook page?

  3. ELSBETH Lucena says

    Wow just located my grandfather I never had pleasure to meet on WW1 honour board SGT 856 TLH KEDDIE and his brother SGT BJ KEDDIE both were teachers along with another brother Oliver KEDDIE , their dad was civil engineer designing bridges for state railway, maybe Oliver was too young also to attend this school as they moved around whilst father designing bridges then shifted to murrumbeena for secondary school all attending MELBOURNE high school

    • Hello Elsbeth, That would be a WOW from us too! We’re thrilled to hear from you and very interested in the family background you have provided. Of course, if you’d like to give us a short story on your grandfather or a picture, we’d be happy to put this up too.

      Our apologies for the delay in getting your comment up – there was a little gremlin in the works, but he’s history now.

  4. Heather Arnold says

    I have researched the World War One soldiers on this Memorial – their service numbers and connection to Nar Nar Goon and surrounds, amongst other information, can be found at

  5. Keith Perkins says

    The Switch-on was on Friday May18th 1962. I still have the news paper clip from the Pakenham Gazette. Mum ( Dorothy Perkins) kept news paper articles on family & friends.
    I too have fond memories of the hall where we went to Sunday school, Christmas parties, youth club, Badminton, Dances, Flower shows & a 21st birthday. We all new each other in those days & the Hall was the place to meet & socialize.
    Included in the kids photos: Trevor, Keith & Lynette Perkins

    I also know Debbie & Diane, we were friends of both families.

    We lived in Nar-Nar-Goon North from 1954 to 1965 and I am always interested in any history of the area.

    Thanks for your good work.

  6. Dianne Ferrari says

    The switching on the power at Nth Nar Nar Goon was in 1962 & i think it was Friday night 1st of June ( I have an idea it was published in the Pakenham Gazette), Mrs Lawry who was the lady who cut the ribbon on that night was my grandmother, I do have a cutting with a write up and photos of that night. I lived on Olsen Rd. with my parents Joe & June Bramich(Lawry), Mrs Lawry was an Olsen & Olsen road was named after her parents & Warren Road was named after her mothers family, I have lots of fond memories growing up at Nth Nar Nar Goon. Hope this will help you good work . Dianne Ferrari

  7. debbie vallender says

    have not seen these photos in years… i grew up just up the road from the hall. i have the honor of being the youngest person in the ceremony…im sitting up there with one of my brothers and the tehennepe boys..mum was on the hall commitee for years.. it was always in use..remember having a wonderful time at the christmas partys. and the dances…badminton and youth club.and the long gone tennis courts….the hall and post office was the heart of nar nar goon north

    • Hello Debbie,
      we are very excited to hear from you. Can you tell us what year those pictures were taken?

  8. Nice to see the notes and pics from Nar Nar Goon North. Growing up there between 65 and 70 years ago we lived on the road bearing my grandfathers name – Olsen. Grandmother was a Warren and her brother Bob lived on a fruit block opposite the hall and up a bit. On the other road was the post office dutifly manned by Mrs Prior until she was at least 92. Her son,Perc, was married to Clara (nee Olsen) and he did the mail run with his fleet of old sideboard cars. I walked to school with my cousins, and others, around 6 miles. The Olsen family and a few warrens are having a reunion in Majorca on the weekend of April 13 and 14.
    Also living up Olsen Road were Tom and Ellen Lawry (Aunty Nell) June and Joe Bramich (June was nee Lawry), Arthur Olsen with his parents, and Andy and Cassie Olsen with Graham and Pauline.
    Another interesting event was the weekly visit by the horse and cart of the butcher and I believe the baker. The family travelled to Dandenong and Warragul some weeks for supplies – on Tuesday for one and Thursday for the other.

    • Thank you John for all your comments, they are exactly what we are hoping to get on the site about the posts. Was Olsen Road named after your grandfather?

      • John Moir says

        I have just found this site again by chance. To answer your question – Yes. Olsen is a Norwegian name and up till 1900 the scheme was the son took the Christian name of the father and son was added in Denmark and sen was added in Norway. This meant – SON OF OL. The daughter was given the different name of – she was OL’S datter. That meant when we were researching the family tree it did not make any sense until we were given the above data. He came from Fredrikstad which is south of Olso down nearer the Swedish border. My Great Grand Father was Karl (or Carl) Olsen and he was a master ship builder. My Grandmother, being a Warren, meant she was descended from the Warrens who originated in St Buryan area in Cornwall. We managed to visit the area a few years ago and the last piece of Warren land had just been sold.
        Re the story of the old school. The school we attended was not the original school site – it may have been the original building (dubious). The original school site was closer to the hall by about a mile and it was on the same side of the road. There were pine trees on the site but they most likely have gone now (age alone)
        The next family heading towards the hall were cousins in Warrens – we would often call in for a treat.
        I have done a lot of research on the family and the area so if anyone has a question I may be able to assist.
        Not sure how best to leave a contact so will advise the editor with details to be listed later.

  9. I’m sure people can find out when Electricity was turned on at Nar Nar Goon but to know that your ancestor was there and even have a photo is priceless. This is a great project recording and preserving this information. Keep up the great work.

    • Thank you Eileen for your comments. You have the unique distinction of being the first person to leave a comment on any of the postings on the site.

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