Announced 23 April 2012 by Laura Smyth (La Trobe MP).
The La Trobe Tetley Anzac Student Prize commemorates Arthur Norman Tetley, from Berwick who served in the 8th Light Horse and took part in the Anzac charge at the Nek on the Gallipoli peninsula in 1915. Arthur was seriously wounded at Lone Pine and died aboard the hospital ship HS Delta. Arthur was buried at sea between Anzac Cove and Mudros, Lemnos.
This award or prize is designed to encourage local students and the wider community to research and celebrate the wealth of stories and service of local residents who volunteered for duty in World War 1 and offered to local schools. The five best essays will receive the award and Dr Ross McMullin’s new book on the Anzacs – Farewell, Dear People.
Laura Smyth was the elected member for La Trobe between 2010 and 2013. I did ask the current member of Lat Trobe Hon Jason Wood MP if he knew of any recipients of the award and I got the following response from his office:
As you note, the award you refer to was established by former La Trobe MP Laura Smyth. Ms Smyth was defeated by Jason in the 2013 election and did not share any of her files with her replacement (which is completely normal). This means that we have no records from Ms Smyth’s time in office and I do not believe we continued her award. Jason presents an annual La Trobe Leadership Award to students instead, but we do not keep detailed records of recipients as it is mostly handled by individual schools.
Unfortunately, this means that the only person I can imagine would have any information on the Tetley Anzac Prize would be Laura Smyth herself, but I would not know how to get in contact with her.
Maybe one day we will hear from a recipient of this award.