Opening ceremony plaque
The Holy Family Church / was blessed and opened by / Archbishop D Mannix D.D. / on the 3rd day of September 1950.
Portrait of Father Pooley
Fr WA Pooley 1912-1969
Presented to the people of Maryknoll / in memory of Brian Carroll
Holy Family Community connections information
Holy Family Community, Maryknoll, has some close connections with Santa Teresa, / the Little Flower mission, at Arltunga and the Ngkarte Mikwekenhe Community. / Vin Tyler is one of the original members of our community and his brother was a / Marist Brother at Arltunga for some years. Pat Clancy is another early member. / His brother, Fr John Clancy, MSC, was in charge of Santa Teresa for a number of / years and actually celebrated his first Mass in this Church. Pauline Mackinnon / worked at Santa Teresa when Fr Clancy was there, in 1975. She enjoys an ongoing / and close connection with her Eastern Arrernte family ever since then.
These people, Margaret Kemarre Turner and her daughter, Amelia are among the / founders of Ngkarte Mikwekenhe and Irrkerlantye Arts. They are very proud that / one of their crosses honours our walls and send their belessings to all our Community / in this way. “Mwantey Alhaye” (prounounced Mwanja Lai) ~ Go gently!
Patrick Francis Noonan plaque
In loving memory of / Patrick Francis Noonan / 6-12-1930 – 2-11-2003 / Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord
Vin and Peg Tyler plaque
In memory of / Vin and Peg Tyler / Two of the founding members / of Maryknoll
With thanks for their / lifelong contribution / 2014

Surveyed on: 22 May 2013 & 9 May 2018
Surveyed by: Fay and Anne, Lynne
Koolbirra Rd, Maryknoll VIC 3812, Australia
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