Fell Family plaque
The Great War 1914-1918
Lest We Forget
Handsome was the soldier of stone,
With rifle fixed, his aim unknown,
Was he rmembering two brothers who fell?
In Flander’s fields, mid Wars fiendish hell.
Unknown young soldier, I knew him well.
Lest we forget, his story I tell.
When the war drums beat,
And the War Lords cry.
And brave young men,
March forth…to die.
Into the flame of shot and shell,
Five brothers faced the jaws of hell.
Two sleep forever in Flander’s fields,
Struck by the scythe the Grim Reaper wields,
And broken-hearted parents, left wondering why,
In War’s senseless crime, young men must die.
The years have passed,
My kinsfolk gone,
And I am left alone,
To place my floral tribute.
On the silent steps of stone,
Brave young soldiers,
Who fought, and who fell,
Lest we forget… Their story I tell.
Lest We Forget. / Lillian Fisher (John Fell’s daughter)
Alred and Frances Fell’s five sons, John, Edward, Harold, Francis and Arthur went off to / “the War to end all wars”. The 1914-1918 First World War. Harold and Francis were killed / in action in Flanders Fields, France. The youngest son, Arthur returned and finished his / monumental mason apprenticeship. He became the model for the life size statues of a digger / to stand as a reminder of our glorious dead at war memorials around Australia. / John’s daughter Lillian wrote this poem remembering her uncles who died, along with many / other young men. / Fell Rd and Francis Streets are named after this family. / There was formerly a Harold St but / this was closed in 2002 to form a new estate.
Surveyed on: 29 Mar 2021
Surveyed by: Eileen and Lynne
McBride St & Fairbridge Ln, Cockatoo VIC 3781, Australia
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