The Narre Warren community worked for two and half years to raise $5,244 – their share of the total cost of $64,000 for the building. A joint effort between the City of Berwick, the community and the state government which contributed $27,000.
At the opening ceremony Barry Simon remarked that while the City of Berwick had a responsibility to provide kindergartens, if a local community did not make some contribution, it did not appreciate what was being provided. The newspaper report assured us the Kindergarten and Infant Welfare Centre was undoubtably the most up to date centre in the area.
Source: Pakenham Gazette 1 May 1974.
Opening Ceremony plaque
City of Berwick
Central Narre Warren / Kindergarten / and / Infant Welfare Centre
This building / was officially / opened by / His Worship, Councillor BD Simon LLB / Mayor of the City of Berwick / on 28 April 1974

Surveyed on: 14 Nov 2019
Surveyed by: Lynne
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