Alma Treloar Reserve

Happy Creek Plaque


Happy Creek / by John Bernard O’Hara

  1. The little creek goes winding / through gums of white and blue, / a silver arm / around the farm / it flings, a lover true; / and softly, where the rushes lean, / it sings (o sweet and low) / a lover’s song, and winds along, how happy – lovers know!
  2. The little creek goes singing / by maidenhair and moss, / along its banks / in rosy ranks / the wild flowers wave and toss; / and ever, where the ferns dip down, / it sings (o sweet and low) / a lover’s song, / and winds along, / how happy – lover’s know!
  3. The little creek takes colour / from summer skies above; / now blue, now gold, / its waters fold / the clouds in closest love; / but loudly when the thunders roll / it sings (nor sweet nor low) / no lover’s song, but sweeps along, / how angry – lover’s know!
  4. The little creek for ever / goes winding, winding down, / away, away, / by night, by day, / where dark the ranges frown; / but ever as it glides it sings, / it sings (o sweet and low) / a lover’s song / and winds along, / how happy – lover’s know!

John Bernard O’Hara, poet, schoolteacher, principal, wrote this poem about our Cockatoo Creek. / The poem achieved notoriety by being published in the Victorian Primary Schools Sixth Grade / Reader. Many a tourist and local remembered being entertained by John’s singing and recitals. / John’s mother Nellie Louise O’Hara owned this property originally named / “Barkness” from 1907 until 1916 and later renamed Desmond. It is hard to imagine / our little creek having had crystal clear water, with manna gums lining the / creek and during the holiday season (1920s to 1940s) tents camped along the / edge of the creek. / 2001

Address: Pakenham Road, Cockatoo
Surveyed on: 6 February 2012
Surveyed by: Fay & Anne

Cockatoo VIC 3781, Australia

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