The project

Casey Cardinia Remembers is a project administered by the Narre Warren & District Family History Group and funded by a Local History Grant from the Public Record Office Victoria.

The project’s aims are to photograph, transcribe and document every monument or memorial within the City of Casey and the Shire of Cardinia, in Victoria, Australia.

The Narre Warren and District Family History Group is a self-funded group run by volunteers with an interest in both their own family history and the family and local history of the Casey Cardinia region. We have approximately 100 members, many of whom we rely on to operate our Research Room at the Narre Warren Library and participate in projects like Casey Cardinia Remembers.

With funding from the Local History Grants Program the aim of Casey Cardinia Remembers is to photograph and transcribe monuments and memorials in the City of Casey and the Shire of Cardinia providing a lasting record of our monuments and memorials and making this information available to family and local history researchers.

In this context, we have a very broad definition of what constitutes a monument or memorial and are looking at honour boards, foundation stones, plaques, war memorials, parks, reserves and gardens, etc. Essentially, anything that memorialises a person’s name in some way.

All images on the site have been reduced in size and quality but we are happy to provide high quality images on CD for a very reasonable fee – please contact us.